Salesforce Architecture Tutorial: Profiles vs. Permission Set Groups (Designing Object Level Access)

Salesforce Architecture Tutorial: Profiles vs. Permission Set Groups (Designing Object Level Access)

Hold up homeslice, are you still usin profiles???!!! It’s 2023 playur! In this episode we’re gonna go over exactly when you should use profiles as opposed to permission sets and permission set groups. After you watch this, you’ll be a permissions wizard and the admins and developers in your org will thank you for this…

Salesforce Admin Tutorial: How to create Confetti Celebrations and use the Trailshread Audio Player

Salesforce Admin Tutorial: How to create Confetti Celebrations and use the Trailshread Audio Player

Why would we create Celebrations or use the Trailshred Audio Player at all? To be honest idk dawg, maybe just to spice up your life a little bit and have some fun? You could make a super sweet easter egg for your Salesforce org. Maybe you wanna boost your Sales teams morale with something interesting…

Salesforce Admin Tutorial: How to Create Unique Person Account Search Layouts using formula fields

Salesforce Admin Tutorial: How to Create Unique Person Account Search Layouts using formula fields

Why would you want to make unique person account search layouts? If you’re reading this, chances are you already know the answer to this, but just in case, let’s go over why you would want/need to do this. If you didn’t know, person account search layouts are determined by the account object and that’s because…

Salesforce Administration Tutorial: How to Setup Okta Single-Sign On (SSO)

Salesforce Administration Tutorial: How to Setup Okta Single-Sign On (SSO)

Why Setup Okta at all? This is a perfectly legitimate question, one I asked myself around 4 years ago when I setup my first Okta integration with Salesforce. The answer to this question is pretty straight forward though, let me break it down for you. Okta Benefit #1: At the company you work for you…

Salesforce Development: How to use Custom Settings to Bypass Your Triggers in Production
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Salesforce Development: How to use Custom Settings to Bypass Your Triggers in Production

Why On Earth Would We Ever Build Trigger Bypasses? This is an excellent question and one I wondered myself… until my team and I had to do a monstrous 50,000,000 record load into Salesforce for a deployment, lol. I was stumped… how on earth could I ever pull this off without taking days or weeks…

Salesforce Development: How to Make Sure Your Process Builders Never Fire Your Apex Triggers
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Salesforce Development: How to Make Sure Your Process Builders Never Fire Your Apex Triggers

Why Would We Want Our Process Builders to Bypass Our Triggers? If you didn’t know process builders fire your triggers every single time they make an update to a record or insert a new record. If you have 5 different update actions in your process builders that means you could potentially fire your triggers 5…