Salesforce Development Tutorial (LWC): How to use Data Attributes to easily pass data from your component HTML template to your JavaScript Controller

Salesforce Development Tutorial (LWC): How to use Data Attributes to easily pass data from your component HTML template to your JavaScript Controller

What are Data Attributes and Why Should I Use Them? Data attributes are a truly magical thing that will, at some point, get you out of some prickly situations as a front end developer. They are essentially a way of storing data on an html element so that when a JS event gets fired your…

Salesforce Development (LWC): How to Communicate between Aura Components and Lightning Web Components Using Custom Events and the Api Decorator

Salesforce Development (LWC): How to Communicate between Aura Components and Lightning Web Components Using Custom Events and the Api Decorator

Why Would You Want to Communicate Between Component Types? There are a bunch of reasons it’s beneficial to communicate between component types but the most common ones that I have found are the following: 1) You’re building a new component and realize you need functionality that only Aura Components support, but it’s a very small…