Salesforce Development Tutorial(LWC): How to Generate a Word Document from a Lightning Web Component

Salesforce Development Tutorial(LWC): How to Generate a Word Document from a Lightning Web Component

[sm-youtube-subscribe] Why Create an LWC that can Generate Word Documents? This is a little more self explanatory than many of the blog posts I do, but let’s go over some things. You typically wanna create this because the business has a need (for one reason or another) to generate a word doc. I’ve had businesses…

Salesforce Admin Tutorial: How to create Confetti Celebrations and use the Trailshread Audio Player

Salesforce Admin Tutorial: How to create Confetti Celebrations and use the Trailshread Audio Player

Why would we create Celebrations or use the Trailshred Audio Player at all? To be honest idk dawg, maybe just to spice up your life a little bit and have some fun? You could make a super sweet easter egg for your Salesforce org. Maybe you wanna boost your Sales teams morale with something interesting…

Salesforce Development Tutorial: How to use the Safe Navigation Operator in Apex to reduce the amount of null checking in your codebase

Salesforce Development Tutorial: How to use the Safe Navigation Operator in Apex to reduce the amount of null checking in your codebase

Why use the Safe Navigation Operator?? My guy, this is the best thing Salesforce has added to the Apex language in forever! Embrace it! To elaborate on that though, let me hit you with this thrilling sales pitch. Just imagine a late night commercial selling you garbage, but the garbage is actually good. Are you…

Salesforce Admin Tutorial: How to Create Unique Person Account Search Layouts using formula fields

Salesforce Admin Tutorial: How to Create Unique Person Account Search Layouts using formula fields

Why would you want to make unique person account search layouts? If you’re reading this, chances are you already know the answer to this, but just in case, let’s go over why you would want/need to do this. If you didn’t know, person account search layouts are determined by the account object and that’s because…

Salesforce Development Tutorial: How to use Named Credentials to simplify your Apex Salesforce Integrations

Salesforce Development Tutorial: How to use Named Credentials to simplify your Apex Salesforce Integrations

Why should you bother using Named Credentials? In short, it’s gonna save you a bunch of time, code and unnecessary configuration, especially when you are authenticating using OAuth. Named credentials basically simplify the authentication portion of your callouts to to external services and allow you do it declaratively through configuration. No matter how hardcode a…

Salesforce Development Tutorial (LWC): How to Setup the LWC Local Development Server

Salesforce Development Tutorial (LWC): How to Setup the LWC Local Development Server

Why setup the Local Development Server? After you use it a couple times I promise you won’t ever ask this question again, lol. It makes your LWC development SO MUCH FASTER!!! I mean it might actually be Lightning Fast! (I’m sorry, but I’m not letting that joke go…). If you’ve ever developed LWC’s directly in…

Salesforce Administration Tutorial: How to Setup Okta Single-Sign On (SSO)

Salesforce Administration Tutorial: How to Setup Okta Single-Sign On (SSO)

Why Setup Okta at all? This is a perfectly legitimate question, one I asked myself around 4 years ago when I setup my first Okta integration with Salesforce. The answer to this question is pretty straight forward though, let me break it down for you. Okta Benefit #1: At the company you work for you…

Salesforce Development Tutorial (LWC): How to create Custom Lightning Web Component Utility Modules

Salesforce Development Tutorial (LWC): How to create Custom Lightning Web Component Utility Modules

Why create Utility Modules for Lightning Web Components? If you’re asking this question, I have feeling you don’t often utilize utility modules (or utility classes) anywhere… so let me be the first to welcome you to this absolutely magical world of utilities. They will make your life easier, code updates simpler and your code base…

Salesforce Development Tutorial: How to Implement a Trigger Framework

Salesforce Development Tutorial: How to Implement a Trigger Framework

Why use a Trigger Framework? There are a couple big reasons why you would want to implement a trigger handler. Let’s check them out below: 1) It makes your triggers way easier to test. By putting your logic in your trigger handler, instead of your trigger you allow yourself a much simpler path to testing…

Salesforce Development Tutorial: How to use the SFDX Scanner Salesforce CLI Plugin for Static Code Analysis
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Salesforce Development Tutorial: How to use the SFDX Scanner Salesforce CLI Plugin for Static Code Analysis

Why Use Static Code Analysis Tools? There are two major reasons to use static code analysis tools: 1) They make you a better developer. These industry standard rules exist for a reason. To make code clean, modular and easy for all the developers that come after you to deal with. So be a kewl guy…